Wearing Their Matching Outfits From Grandma
This is what 88 Star Wars guys looks like! He used some of his Christmas money and now has 90!
Showing Daddy the Glass Making House of 1608 that Troy and I stumbled upon while walking a trail to kill time while Rosalie was at camp over the Summer.
She insists on eating with her foot up, always!
New Years Eve- killing time with a bike ride
Grumpy since he couldn't find his helmet, he couldn't ride his bike down the road and had to walk with his parents.
Counting Down Until The New Year Again. Popping surprise filled balloons on each hour.
I Dare You To Not Laugh....
She almost made it! Fell asleep at 11:30
Happy New Year!!!
New Years Day
It's funny because she screams when we put her in her car seat to go anywhere, but when we are home she loves to play in it.