8 Months and Standing!!!

Sitting on Mommy's Foot Massager- the picture explains it all!

I love the camera!

Lets Go Buffalo!!

My Baptism
Before Church

My Godparents!

Aunt Guada

Our Church

The Baptismal Fount- I wanted to play in it.

Trying to test the water.

About to be baptized.

Being Baptized.

Blessing me with the oils.

Presenting me to the church.

My outfit.

Daddy and Mommy are so proud of me.

My Parents, Godparents, Clara and Me!

Look at Daddy and Uncle Brian- that look means "Lets go get pizza!"- (they ate a whole one in the car on the way to my party.)

Clara at my party, she's so pretty!

Daddy and Me!

Miss Tracey, Bryson, and Brianne

Aunt Guada and Uncle Brian got me this. Now I can work on my swing. Next NY Met right here!

Playing with Aunt Kellie

Visiting Mommy's Cousin Tara (& Callie, but she's still in her Mommy's belly)

Going Kitty Fishing w/ Tara's Cat, HillBilly.

Trying to get Hillbilly to play with me.

Daddy teaching me how to hike the ball

The Whole Family Was Rooting for The Giants!!
Superbowl XLII

Mommy and I wearing Giants jerseys

Daddy and I ready to see the Giants as the Superbowl Champs!

Daddy When the Giants Scored the Game Winning TD (I woke up just in time)

Mommy and I doing our Touch Down Dance!

They won!!! Now back to bed for sweet dreams of the Giants Victory!

Resting My Feet on the Foot Stool

Learning about Static

My First Day of Swim Lessons. Like My Trunks?

At first I didnt know what to think.

Then I Loved It!

Clara and I are Working On Our Leg Kicks

I cant wait until next week's lesson

Do you see the silliest toy of them all?

I got blocks from Mommy and Daddy for Valentines Day.
Can you tell I love them?

Wearing my Valentine's Day outfit Aunt Trish and Uncle Mike got me!

Be My Valentine?

My gift to Daddy

I think your Beary Special :)

Sitting with my Daddy

Buddha and Baby

2nd Day of Swim Class

Silly face

Leg Kicks

Practicing Climbing Out

Daddy is so proud of me!


Posing for the Camera

Splish Splash I love my Bath!