The Letizia Family begins.... Here is our story
Waiting for Baby Troy

This is a picture of me before I came into the world. I was supposed to arrive May 18th, but I took my time.
I'm finally here!!!

Hi! On May 23rd at 5:47pm I finally arrived. I weighed 8lbs 12oz and was 20 inches long.
My family!

Here is my family on the day I was born. This is the best day of their lives. Please excuse my Mommy's look, I put her through a hard time, but she says I am worth every second of it.
May 25th- Im going home!

Since Mommy and I are so healthy they let us go home today. I can't wait to see my home and terrorize Tootsie.
Daddy Reading to Me.

Daddy is reading me a story called the Iliad. It explains where my name comes from. It's never too early to start learning!
Me Just Being Cute!

I'm cute, what can I say?
Daddy & Me

Don't I have my Daddy's eyes?

And my Mommy's nose?
Snuggle Time!

Mommy, Tootsie, and me all snuggling on the couch.

I love cuddling with Grandma!
Yo Homey!

My Crab Outfit

I love football!

Im just waiting for Daddy to get home so we can play some football.
Hercules Hercules

My shirt says it all!
Catching flies...

Snoozin with Daddy on the couch.
In the sling.

Tryin out the sling with Mommy, its cozy!
Who are you calling Baldie?

Can you see me?

shhh, Im trying to hide behind this watermelon.
The Fam

Can you tell where I get my cuteness from??
Hoodie Pic

My cousin Brooke.

Meet my favorite cousin Brooke. I can't wait to play with her. Go to: