Since everything got canceled because of the rain, Sunday was an Open House for field hockey. Because of where I was sitting, I didn't really get pictures of Cici, but Rosalie was in her element. Here she is in llight blue.
The one I got of Cici.
Troy's Lacrosse Game, he is #2
Rosalie's Lacrosse Game
Habe Helping Him Study For His AP Exam
Cici's Softball Games Saturday and Monday
Cici Made The Catch!
We went with Rosalie's friends and their moms to see the high school play Footloose
Lacrosse Pictures Troy's Friend Got
They Gave Rosalie A New #.
They gave her #7, which was Mom's High School number.
Mother's Day!
Dad and the kids made it a great. Besides great gifts we went to Mr. Ed's Elephant Emporium and Gettysburg.
Big Foot
Rosalie's Band Concert
Cici Pitched In Her Game
Dad's Birthday
For P.E., Rosalie jumped the furthest for the 7th grade girls so got to compete against the top Middle School long jumpers in the county. She came in 4th!
She Ran Some Races Too
Last Lax Game Of The Season, They Won!
Cici's Team Won Their Softball Game
We Are Going To An Orioles Game Soon
Hershey Park
Since Dad is the assistant coach, the head coach got him this shirt for his bday. It's a quote from the show The Office.
Trroy's 16th Birthday
A Chaperone on Cici's Field Trip Sent Me This
The Orioles Game
Our friend, Geoff, got tickets to the Orioles game from work. We had a great time!