That's A Lot of Candy!
Trunk or Treating at Newman
The girls were supposed to wear their costumes to gymnastics.
Carving Pumpkins
Bobbing For Apples
Getting Ready For Halloween
Klausmeyer Pumpkin Patch
The Swedish Festival At Lindsborg
Our Little Goofball
Rosalie and her friend, Cady
We picked up the kids costumes today.
We put some beads in Rosalie's hair.
Goddard Fall Festival
Today was the Fall Festival. It was a great time. The bigger two walked in the parade with Boy and Girl Scouts and Cici was thrown a bunch of candy while we watched. Later, we went back with friends and the kids loved the rides.
Museum Of World Treasures
A few days ago we went to the Museum of World Treasures. We had a lot of fun!