We followed tradition and put the Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving. The kids loved it and Cici hasn't been bad about it.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends. The Indian Corn Rosalie Made At SchoolOur elves returned tonightThe Kids School Celebrated Thanksgiving With A Feast!Troy and Cici Playing Baseball Troy's Team Earned Their First Win! Troy Taking A Foul Shot She Put On Rosalie's Winter HatAt The MuseumIt was chilly, but a beautiful day so we spent most of it outside. The neighbor girl taught Rosalie how to play hop scotch. Cici seems to be a fan also.
It was so cute. We found Cici feeding her zoo animals.Cici trying to talk to Troy while he plays Mariokart.Today we went with friends to dinner than the Exploration Place to make Gingerbread Houses. It was a great time! Cici loves when her brother and sister come homeMaking Gingerbread HousesRosalie'sTroy'sMommy'sDaddy's Cici loved watching the coinsWe have been having fun. Yesterday the kids made a fort with a fan that inflated it (compliments of pinterest.) Today, they played in the leaves with the neighbor. She loves the ducks
Angelo has been in Denver at a conference so since today was a day off from school, we went to the zoo. We had a great time. Cici absolutely loves the zoo and makes every trip well worth it with her excitement. Today, we were lucky. The big kids got to feed the giraffes from their hands. This was such a neat experience that I am glad they had. Troy looks thrilled to get his picture taken. She had fun sending animals back and forth in the bucket on a string. Rosalie modeling her new bootsRosalie came home from school with these flowers. She told me a boy in her class brought them from home just for her. And it starts...