We had a great time spending Thanksgiving in Florida. Troy and Rosalie loved spending time with family, especially their cousins. Grandma and Peepa had Thanksgiving dinner at their house with the Great Grandparents and Great Aunt and Great Uncle, Courtney, Pete and the kids. We went to Venice Beach a day. That is our new favorite beach! The kids looked for shark teeth. After not having much luck, Peepa sneaked off to the souvenir shop and purchased a bag of shark teeth then layed them out for the kids to find. They had a ball! That night we had a bonfire. We also took the boat out a day. Troy and Brooke were both in tears when it was time to leave.
Troy is on a BIG Toy Story kickGo Jets!His Fierce Game FaceAll Dressed UpDoing Chin Ups- We Start Them Early!I think this is such a sweet pictureThey really love each otherWe had lots of fun today. We started the day with having some GHS friends over for a baby playdate with songs. Then we made Pilgrim Hat Cookies, and played outside. We enjoyed our time with our friends today! Rosalie and LoganGiving Clara KissesTroy Getting AirRosalie Getting AirRosalie & GuadaBest FriendsWe had so much fun today. We made a ball pit in the living room, Troy made a rocket, and experimented with paint colors. Days like today remind me how lucky I am to stay home with my children, watch them grow, and be active in the earliest stages of their education. Inventing New ColorsT-R-O-U-B-L-ETroy's RocketFlying his rocket around the living room.Troy loves Dora The Explorer, so we made some of the characters from the show. We also made yet anoother turkey for Thanksgiving. Troy decided it needed real feathers. Yesterday, I went out with friends to a baby shower for another friend. I wasn't even gone for 2 minutes when Angelo called. Rosalie had pulled up to standing! She is only 7 months, she needs to slow down! Rosalie is such a good baby, but she is so busy and always on the go! The picture is blurry since Angelo took it with his phone. Monday MorningMore from todayWe spent today in Williamsburg. First we had lunch on Gloucester Beach, then drove Colonial Parkway to Williamsburg. The Parkway is GORGEOUS during Fall. We walked the shops in Williamsburg, got a little Christmas shopping done, and ended the day at the Christmas Mouse. in honor of the Cortaca Jug and the Cortland Field Hockey Team playing in the NCAA tournament we all wore Cortland shirts! His shirt says "Real Kids Wear Red"The Beautiful Scenic Drive Along Colonial ParkwayRosalie used this unopened coconut candy to teeth on all day, she would cry whenever we took it away.Troy & His HeroWhatcha Talkin Bout Thomas???Troy could have hung out with T.J. all day and now he has the idea that he needs a Thomas Jefferson statue in his room- is it that obvious that heTroy was leary of this guy until he said he knew Thomas Jefferson, then a friend of Thomas' was a friend of Troys.yes, I take way too many pictures of my kids, but I just can't help it with those cute faces! I know in the blink of an eye they will be in kindergarten and then off to college. I will then really appreciate all of these pictures to look back on. They always make me smile and I hope they do the same for you :) Rosalie wearing her "I Love My Auntie" outfit from Aunt SharonFall CraftsLove Them!Soo not ready for this! At least she didn't pull herself up, I set her up to see if she could and of course she can, she is such a busy girl!Troy demonstrating the different ways to wear a hat1. The Casey Way2. The Daddy Way3. The Troy WayCutting Down Trees With His Chain Saw ToySwinging on a beautiful Fall dayStrike a pose!Love this one!Elf Yourself! Copy & paste into your browser to see our little elves (Troy & Rosalie) dancing11/10/2010 http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/view/ftQoFOVnIm9rMGGP