Yesterday we went to the Circle B Bar Reserve and saw alligators, tons of birds, turtles, and wild pigs. It was a lot of fun!
We had a great Easter. The kids woke up nice and early and found their baskets. Later, we had a fun egg hunt with cousins, and ended with a nice Easter dinner with everyone. Looking For Their BasketsHidden In The Dryer!Hidden In The Cabinet!Egg HuntWillowPeyton!The Kids Love Their Sticker Books From Aunt Courtney & Uncle PeteAfter 3 extra hours sitting in traffic, we arrived in Florida yesterday. The kids were great for the car ride. We love Grandma and Peepa's new house and are having a great time with everyone here. Our last day home before we leftAfter insisting she didn't need a nap, she passed out like this at the top of the stairs.In Florida!!Love The Grandparents New House! This is next to it.Troy Dyed Easter EggsThe Girls At Aunt CourtneysThe CousinsThe BoysMy Favorite Band Is This Rock Band!The View From The Living Room At Grandma and Peepas.We had a freak Spring snowstorm Sunday night, which resulted in a snow day on Monday. Hopefully we can now enjoy the warm weather that we love! Also, today was a big day. Troy signed up for football! It starts this summer and we are so excited. Rosalie Dressed Herself Head To ToeOn His Way To Sign Up For FOOTBALL!Troy has been working at it, but today we are officially declaring him a Bike Rider! He has had the straight aways down, but today we went to a school with a big parking lot for him to work on turning and he just took off on his bike. He is so excited. We are so proud of him! Today, we went with Guada and the boys to see the Easter Bunny. Rosalie did great! I wanted her to wear a different dress, but got voted down for the pinkalicious one and it just wasn't a battle worth fighting. Im so proud of how she did with the Bunny. She had no fear and (as you can tell by the pictures) hammed it up with him. After Troy heard about our bunny visit, he wants to go so I thinnk we'll be going again a day. Rosalie and her kitty's. She loves these little Hello Kittys and was so excited to add one to her collection from our friend, Kayla.I know it's early, but since we'll be in Florida we dyed Easter Eggs. The kids had so much fun. We flipped the top of the train table and painted it with chalk board paint. The kids love it!I love watching them play on educational websites. Troy reads to Rosalie, it is so sweet.Since the stickers weren't sticking to the eggs well, Troy tried a potato.Today, Rosalie and I walked Main Street. Rosalie insisted that her doll, Chelsea, join us so the three of us had a nice time. Rosalie & ChelseaWhen Daddy and Troy got home, we went bike riding. Troy started practicing riding without training wheels and I think he's going to get it any day now! You Would Never Guess This Is On A Play Phone, Judging By Her Pose |