Luckily, we have the best neighbors who invite us to use their pool.
I have totally been slacking on taking pictures this vacation. Hopefully, I will pick it up. Before we left Troy had to try on our pants.Christina, about to leave for graduation!Papa Dave's Birthday!!Christina's Graduation PartyHanging Out At Pop's HouseI think Daddy had a great Father's Day. The kids got him a new hammock, we made breakfast, played all day, the boys went to see the new Superman movie, and then we continued our tradition (for the past 6 years) of going to Short Lane Ice Cream with Brian, Guada, and the kids. I can't look at this picture without cracking up at our rock star, Rosalie.World's Greatest Dad!!Yesterday, Guada and I took the big kids to Water Country to ride all of the big waterslides. Guada took these pictures. Troy had such a good time. It's funny that he doesn't like rollercoasters because he loves all water slides no matter the size.
Other than Troy's Birthday party I don't think we have been to the beach this year yet. That is abnormal for us, usually we go to the beach all of the time starting in May. Today, the first rain free day we have had in awhile, we just had to go. Playing In The Rain YesterdayTroy and RoryRosalie and RosePlaying Water Balloons At HomeThe kids got to try something new today. Their friend, Lauren, had an ice skating party. I think Mommy had the most fun skating, but Im happy the kids tried. The Birthday GirlWe Made These Monster University toys at the Lowes Workshop today.Riding Bikes At The Playground With FriendsRosalie, mid-jump as she jumps down from the bar.Troy's Self Portraits From School, from the beginning of the year, middle of the year, and end of the year.Our Play Fruit & Vegetable Stand We MadeHere are some pictures Guada took of the kids at Water Country yesterday. It was Troy's first day going (since he was little) and he loved it!