We love this weather! Too bad its supposed to drop to the 40s tomorrow.
We have been taking advantage of some of the warm weather. She loves going down the slideTroy is so good at riding his tricycle that we took the parent hand bar off.All that bike riding wore him out, he fell asleep on the floor and Rosalie took advantage of the moment to get even with her brother.add fruit-snacks in their ears, towers built out of anything and everything, with a whole lot of goofiness and you have Troy. He is such a happy, fun, and sweet little boy. Everyday, I wish I could just freeze time and stop him from growing up.
I haven't updated in a few days so this is whats new. Yesterday, Troy fell asleep on the floor watching a movie by quarter after seven.This never happens, we didn't know to whether to celebrate or worry that he is sick.It worked out good that he got a good nights sleep because today was the screening for the preschool through the school district. He did great, but it is lottery pick so fingers crossed that he gets in! Afterwards, Troy went to hang out with Angelo at school since it was a Staff Day and Rosalie and Mommy hung out at home, which ended with a photo shoot in her new dresses. Passed out while watching one of his favorite movies- The Wizard of Oz.After his preschool testing and after a refreshing cup of koolaid.Rosalie's Photo-shootWell, the Jets are not continuing their journey on to the Super Bowl, but we cheered our hearts out for them. Troy Took This PictureToday, we realized two things; that Troy is a big boy and that Rosalie is a little girl. We got Troy a booster seat to keep in Daddy's car. He fits the weight and height limits and for the small amount of time he rides in Daddy's car we thought it was ok. Rosalie had her 9 month check up. People have been commenting lately on how small she is, but I have never really thought that. It was confirmed that she is tiny weighing in at 17 pounds, which put her at the 16th percentile. I think the fact that she is so active keeps her lean. Whether they are big or little, I must say they are BEAUTIFUL. Hugging Her Brother While He Tries To Watch TVWe decided to jazz up our day today and had a pirate party. We made a hook, canon, treasure chest, and cupcakes. Next, we made a pirate ship out of the couch cushions and did a treasure hunt. The kids wore eye patches and had a great time! Troy's treasure chestWalking with her walkerOn Uncle Nicks backhoe from when he was littleTroy with his Toy Story toysAunt Kellie babysat the other day. The kids loved it!Could he be anything else coming from two History teachers? We had the Dodiers over to watch football and have dinner. The kids had a great time, as did the adults. Rosalie standing- she'll be walking in no time!The GangThe Girls Comforting ReecePretending They Have Babies In Their Bellies... hahaHelping Daddy Grade Papers |