We are on snow day #7. Everyone is going stir crazy . This is all over a few inches last week and then around 7 inches Thursday . Since our county isn't equipped for snow, it paralyzes us. The side roads remain untouched. Luckily, the kids have been good and haven't fought much.
Troy is such a great big brother to Cici. She has him wrapped around her little finger, it's so cute. He really would do anything for her. It makes a parent so proud.
After being off all week for 6 inches of snow, we have enjoyed our "February Break." We had a snow day today and one is already called for tomorrow. We enjoyed playing in the snow and relaxing in the warm house. Tomorrow, we have plans to sled with friends. Yesterday, we had a "Canada" Day, where the kids learned all about Canada, which was fitting with all of the snow we got today.Here they made beaver damsToday we had a pretty lazy snow day. Tomorrow we are sledding with friends and then we declared it an "educational" day full of fun educational activities, no tv or video games.
We had a happy Valentine's day today. Kellie and Brian came over to celebrate Cici's birthday and we just enjoyed a relaxing day at home. It is also a year since Cici came home from the hospital. She got into Daddy's chocolate.She loves her Elsa doll from Uncle LouCici does not look amused by her silly family.Cici and Aunt KellieCici's Ballerina Cupcakes. We had to go with a dancing theme with how much she loves to dance.Rosalie Wrote This On The Board For CiciIt's Fitting That Since Cici Was Born During A Snowstorm By Virginia Standards and it snowed on her first birthday!Cici Clapping While We Sing Happy BirthdayPlaying With Her Doll From GrandmaWe Love This Little Cutie!Troy beat Daddy in a Mario Kart cupThe girls playing dolls togetherWe spent most of the day outside. It was gorgeous! Field Hockey Is In Their Blood!Wearing Their Hats That Kathy And Eric Sent Them With Valentine Goodies |