We had a great time in NY. The kid's were able to play in the snow a lot. Troy loved the snow a lot more than our Southern Belle, Rosalie. Both kids had tons of fun in NY.
We are in NY and it snowed! So Serious...Playing With New ToysSwinging In The Snow With BenaShoveling With DaddyWarming UpSanta Came!!!The Kids Got A Wii!! They love it!Rosalie Loves Her "Rosie" The TrainHe Was Really Excited About This DinosaurTroy Loves His Obama Book.Opening Presents From Aunt Courtney & FamilyTroy's Gift From RosalieRosalie's Gift From TroyGuitar Hero From Grandma & Peepa!Stockings!They Love Each Other So muchPlaying The WiiAt Aunt Nancy's On ChristmasBena, The Kids, & GrandmaSweat Pants that look like jeans- oh my!We had a great Christmas Eve and are so excited for Santa to come! We made play doh Birthday cakes for Baby Jesus and sang Happy Birthday (even blowing out candles), the kid's got to each open 1 present from Daddy and we drove around looking at Christmas lights. Daddy Got The Kids Art Boxes! (Something they both really wanted)Troy drew The Joker, The Riddler, & BatmanRosalie's ArtworkSprinkling Reindeer Food Around The YardBefore Santa Arrived...This picture cracks me up. Daddy got her ready to do some small jobs around the house. Shorts in December? Just like Daddy.Captivating EyesFaLa Depositing "Be Good" Coins Into Their Piggy Banks.The Library Stamp Got Everywhere!!I feel like I barely get pictures of Troy anymore now that he is in school.Last Night's ElfingTonight |