Troy finally let me put his Lowes Workshop patches on his apron. I have been asking him since he began and he alway said no, but last weekend he saw his friend with hers on and then he wanted his on. Luckily, we saved all of the patches.
Poor Troy was diagnosed with Strep Throat today. If that wasn't bad enough, he ended up allergic to Amoxicillin. He broke out in a rash all over his belly, on his leg and foot which landed us at the doctor on-call. He is on new meds now and hopefully will be feeling better in the morning. So MopeyRosalie Loves Playing PrincessesRosalie Did This All On Her OwnNever Too Sick For Star WarsToday, we went to Historic Jamestown with Brian, Guada, and the kids. We had a great time. Afterwards, we went to the Outlets and Merchant Square. It was a beautiful day in Williamsburg! Looking At Huge TurtlesHolding Pocohantas' HandRosalie HidingA Failed Attempt At A Group PictureGuada Took This One, so cute!I can almost hear Troy telling Angelo that there is a hamburger inside the canon.All Of The Kids Peaking In The WellLove This Family Picture!Troy Wearing His New William & Mary HatTroy's class went to the circus yesterday. We had a great time and the kids loved it! There were 8 motorcyclists in this ball!Troy has been teaching Rosalie about Star Wars and I am impressed between his teaching skills and her absorbing the knowledge. The force is with these kids. Today, I signed Troy up for Kindergarten. I will miss him at home next year, but I know that he is ready and will do great! He did great in his screening and I know whichever teacher he gets will be lucky to have him. I feel that just yesterday he was a tiny baby in my arms and now this Fall he is starting Kindergarten. Where did the time go?
With temperatures in the 80's it was time for the sprinkler. The kids had so much fun. We love this weather!!
We had friends over for a cook out today. It was in the 80s and beautiful. It really was such a nice day. Our Church Friend, Sally, Gave Rosalie This Cute Hat For Her B-Day.CaterpillarWe Are In Trouble With These LovebirdsSully, Jess, and the kids stopped and spent the night on their way home from Myrtle Beach. We all had such a great time. The kids always play so well together. Also, with Rosalie's Birthday Money she got a play kitchen. The kids love it! Rosalie & EmersonSawyer & Troy Light Saber FightingNew Play KitchenAs Always, Having Fun In The BoxRosalie & Rose |